Weekend Reading
It was a busy week and I only read one book: Jonathan Kellerman's Billy Straight, which alternated between freak-you-out-suspense and wake-me-when-it's-over boredom.
It's going to be an even busier weekend, but hopefully I'll get to do some reading. On the desk for this weekend's reading are two books: The Expert Expatriate: Your Guide to Successful Relocation Abroad and Personal Finance for Overseas Americans.
I bought these books awhile ago but I finally have cause to read them. Because of a pile of considerations, Peter and are moving to Dublin (yes, Ireland). For him, it's moving back home and for me, it's moving back to where our relationship started. This decision is a funny one in that it's equal parts snap-judgement and agonized-analyzed-drawn-out-conclusion. But for friends and family who were not privy to our thought processes the last few months, it might seem like a bit of a crazy impulsive thing.
It's both exciting and a little scary. I'm looking forward to jumping into this new life with both feet. Our time line is both immediate and uncertain. Our realtor is coming over tonight. I expect that our house will be on the market within the next two weeks.Once the house is sold, we're leaving (I imagine we'll leave on the day it closes).
Now, I have to get back to cleaning/packing/purging/shredding/preparing. Our rental dumpster is scheduled to arrive this afternoon and I'm looking forward to filling that bad boy up.