Sunday, January 06, 2008

Fun Monday

Before jumping in to this week's festivities, I'm going to be hosting Fun Monday next week. (I have an overwhelming urge to tidy up and redesign my blog before the Fun Monday guests shows up.) Please stop back on Wednesday when I will post the topic for 14 January and start the list of participants. (Let me know in the comments here if you're up for next week.)

For this week's Fun Monday post, Lisa over at Lisa's Chaos has issued a deceptively difficult challenge, difficult for me at least. She wants to hear about our pets. That should be easy, right? Yes, in fact, it is so easy, I'd say that at least 50% of my post are about my pets, either current or past. From Caper the Unstoppable to Sean Og the gold fish, I am a pet-centric writer.

But, needs must and it's good for my writerly brain to have to think up new angles on old topics. Thanks to Robin, who thoughtfully provided a list of Fun Mondays past, I found the perfect angle. For the Fun Monday on 16 April 2007, Bethany asked for answers to a James Tipton style interview.

An interview with Tobias T. Wolf-Dog, better known as Toby:

Q. What is your favourite word?
A. It's tough to narrow it down to just one word. My people tend to talk to me in phrases. So my favourite phrases would be "Who wants to go for a walk?" "Who wants to go for a ride?" and "Who's hungry?"

Q. What is your least favorite word?
A. Bath. Kennel.

Q. What turns you on (creatively, spiritually or emotionally)?
A. There's nothing in the world quite like chewing a good Kong. When I have that Kong between my jaws, I feel the most peaceful sense of relaxation. I also absolutely love sheep - the way they run when I chase them, the excitement of the chase. I don't know why chasing sheep is a capital crime. It's just not fair. What other purpose do they possibly serve?

Q. What turns you off?
A. Doggy jail. I hate going there. Not even sheep would make it a decent place.

Q. What is your favorite curse word?
A. Fucktard, without a doubt. As long as it's not being directly applied to me. I am not a fucktard, I'm just a little exuberant sometimes.

Q. What sound or noise do you love?
A. The sound of rain on the windows, as long as I'm inside. The chirping of the birds. Who am I kidding? I live for the rustle of the food bag and the thwack of a Kong bouncing off the gravel driveway.

Q. What sound or noise do you hate?
A. Peter's mini helicopter. That thing is the incarnation of the devil. I try to tell my people that thing is pure evil but they think it's funny. Sure, it's all fun and games until the evil mini helicopter slits your throat in the middle of the night.

Q. What profession would you like to attempt?
A. I quite like my current profession as greeter and securer of Peter and Ann's little house in the Middle of Nowhere. But, I suppose if I had to pick, I'd love to be a butcher or a garbage man. Or a Kong tester.

Q. What profession would you not like to attempt?
A. I don't think I'd make a very good dog catcher, what with the conflict of interest and all. Probably also wouldn't make a very good shepherd.

Q. If Heaven exists, What would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
A. Welcome, Toby. The Kongs are over there and the never-ending bowl of Meaty Bits is available for eternity.


At 6 January 2008 at 15:35, Blogger laurie said...

excellent! and hilarious!

and a lovely breezy blue sky picture.

bold of you to host fun monday. sign me up.

At 6 January 2008 at 16:16, Blogger Kim said...

Very clever. I love this so much! The picture is great. You guys look quite happy.

I'll play next week.

At 6 January 2008 at 22:27, Blogger Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Please count me in for the 14th!

At 6 January 2008 at 23:31, Blogger Unknown said...

Sign me up for next week. :)

At 6 January 2008 at 23:33, Blogger Unknown said...

What a cute way to do it! I can't imagine why he wouldn't like the word kennel or going to "doggie jail" :)

At 7 January 2008 at 00:46, Blogger Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee. Fabulous. Toby is a very clever boy. :D

Oh, and sign me up for next week please.

At 7 January 2008 at 02:06, Blogger Sauntering Soul said...

Love your unique twist to this week's challenge!

Count me in for next week please!

At 7 January 2008 at 02:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sign me up, too, please!!
Many thanks!

At 7 January 2008 at 03:20, Blogger Alison said...

Priceless...gorgeous dog too!!

At 7 January 2008 at 03:43, Blogger Fianna said...

Excellent post!! Love it! Toby is quite well-spoken.

Sign me up!

At 7 January 2008 at 04:56, Blogger Pamela said...

ha ha ha! I remember the word "WALK" was spoken with great care in our house when we had Karl the Rottweiler. The door wasn't close enough!!
Your post is dog-gone funny!

At 7 January 2008 at 06:16, Blogger Gattina said...

Sorry but I don't know any "James Tipton" He is not known here in Belgium,but I will be in for next Fun Monday !

At 7 January 2008 at 06:31, Blogger the planet of janet said...

clever, clever way to approach this week's topic! i loved the interview.

also, sign me up for next week.

At 7 January 2008 at 06:31, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely! I nominated one of your posts about Toby for this year's Irish Blog Awards and now you've gone and done another. Are you trying to confuse the judges?

At 7 January 2008 at 09:41, Blogger Hootin Anni said...

I LOVE the photo....and ya, I think I can understand the 'hatred' of the sound of the helicopter, for sure!!!


At 7 January 2008 at 15:28, Blogger Sandy said...

your Toby is a very, very clever lad and very handsome, too.

Great job.

At 7 January 2008 at 15:28, Blogger Sandy said...

oops, I forgot. Please count me in for next week, also.

At 7 January 2008 at 15:29, Blogger ChrisB said...

That was a novel way to present your post~ lovely photo.
I'll be back on Weds to see what you have in store for us next week!

At 7 January 2008 at 16:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant twist on the topic! Toby seems like a great

Sign me up for next week!

At 7 January 2008 at 16:25, Blogger Nan said...

Cute take on the challenge! :^D

At 7 January 2008 at 16:33, Blogger Jill said...

giggle. hey sign me up for next week. can you give me an email when you decide on the topic even if you havent posted it yet? i started a fun monday group on the blog 365 and i'd like to get that posted as soon as possible, to try and get some more publicity out.

At 7 January 2008 at 20:10, Blogger Joy T. said...

Ah very clever and unique! Toby is beautiful...and funny. I'll wait to sign up on Wednesday. My luck I'd sign up before knowing the assignment and it would me your weight on the scale or something. I'll be back :o)

At 7 January 2008 at 21:28, Blogger the rotten correspondent said...

That was brilliant! Very well done.

I'll play next week.Be kind.

At 8 January 2008 at 01:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved it, Ann!!
Sign me up for next week

Amy P

At 8 January 2008 at 02:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great way to creatively post about your fine friend. I'll be back later to see what the topic is for next week.

At 8 January 2008 at 03:08, Blogger Unknown said...

What a great twist to the assignment. I love your dog's view of the Kong world.

At 8 January 2008 at 04:10, Blogger Cynthia said...

Great interview. Very intelligent dog! haha

I scrolled down. Are you really from Wheaton? I grew up in Naperville.

Please sign me up for next week.

At 8 January 2008 at 05:26, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a different take on the pet theme. Very clever, unless of course Toby really can talk, which means I should invest in the kongs. My puppies lose them somehow. Nice pics too. NLM

At 8 January 2008 at 05:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh by the way: please sign us up for the Fun Fun Monday.... We are so excited. If it involves snow, we are all over it...
Nekked Lizards

At 8 January 2008 at 05:55, Blogger Faye said...

What an interesting interview with Mr. Toby! Perhaps we can look for a repeat in Canine Fancy Magazine.

I'll get in on next Monday's Fun. Thanks.

At 8 January 2008 at 09:23, Blogger mama speak said...

very clever.

Nice to meet you Toby, we'll be back to hear more for sure!

oh, and I'd like to play next week too please!

At 8 January 2008 at 14:59, Blogger Carrie @carrieloves said...

My dogs love the kongs, too! Count me in for next week.

At 8 January 2008 at 16:00, Blogger Tiggerlane said...

That was a GREAT and creative take on the topic! I seriously giggled!

And totally sign me up - even though I have no idea of the topic next week!

At 8 January 2008 at 22:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me guess...Tobias T. Wolf-Dog, Toby will have his own blog very soon. Right?
I'm in for next week.

At 9 January 2008 at 03:24, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the presentation of the post. Very funny!! Toby looks and sounds like such a fun dog.

At 9 January 2008 at 14:35, Blogger Kerith Collins said...

doggie jail...funny.
Sign me up for next week!!!

At 9 January 2008 at 15:04, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a newbie but I'd like to get in on the Fun on the 14th! I'm at eastwardcatholicsoldiers(at)wordpress(dot)com.

At 9 January 2008 at 19:43, Blogger -Ann said...

laurie - Thanks. I've had an idea kicking around for a while, so it's not really that brave.

Kaycie - Glad you enjoyed it. We had a great time on the beach the day that photo was taken.

Aoj - Consider it done. (Although it might take me until Monday to compile the participant list. :))

LC - Thanks. I don't know what's so bad about doggie jail either.

Jo B - Thanks - I will.

SS - I just write about Toby so much, I had to think of something else to do.

TVNM - Sure thing.

Alison - Cheers.

Fianna - He's clever too - sometimes too clever.

Pamela - It's funny, isn't it? If we actually want to say the word to a human without causing an uproar, we have to say "a W".

Gattina - We don't actually have him in Ireland either. He does a TV interview show in America where he interviews movie stars about their work.

janet - Thanks.

PS - I'm flattered. Thank you so much! (I really enjoyed writing that post about getting lost with Toby.)

Hootin' Anni - It's a tiny helicopter - not even that loud!

Sandy - Thanks. I'm going to keep those compliments to myself as I don't want Toby to get a swelled head.

Chris B - Thanks - hope you play next week.
Susan - Thanks. He's a guy dog. :)

Nan - Cheers.

Lil Mouse - Sorry I couldn't give you more warning. Thanks for publicising.

Joy T - Thanks - and I think it's safe for you to sign up. (After all, I have to do whatever challenge I put up, right? No way I'm publishing my weight. :))

RC - Thanks. Hope you find the topic kind enough.

Amy - Will do -thanks.
Loved it, Ann!!

coloursofdawn - Cheers - hope you decide to play next week.

AFF - Kongs are the best inventions ever!

Cynthia - Thanks. I'm actually from Ohio but we lived in Wheaton for 3 years and in Chicago for 7.

NLM - You should invest in Kongs anyway. They really are the world's best dog toys. (Unless your dogs are like Laurie's and are Kong-indifferent.)

LZ2 - I will sign you up (and everyone else who's willing). :)

Faye - Thanks - Excellent idea - get Toby some press coverage and maybe a job of his own. :)

MS - Thanks - had to find some new way to write about the dog who has taken over our lives. :)

Carrie Sue - Kongs are the best - do you stuff them with soaked food and then freeze them? One of those buys me at least an hour of peace and quiet.

Tiggerlane - Thanks - glad you liked it. Hope you like next week as well.

swampy - Only if he learns to type for himself. I am sick of being his secretary.

sirdar - He is - sometimes too much fun but usually he's just right.

Kerith - Thanks - I will.

raising3saints - You're very welcome - I will add you to the list sometime before Monday. :)

At 9 January 2008 at 19:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very creative take on Fun Monday!Loved the interview.

Every time we got our keys out ready to take a walk or ride in the car our Shepard would be at the door with leash in mouth, ready to go!

Toby,is not only clever and funny, but handsome as well.

At 9 January 2008 at 22:21, Blogger Princess Jewelee said...

GREAT post. I love the interview style. How old is Toby? Old enough to be using a word like fucktard?? hmmmm, maybe some time in the kennel will help him with his potty

At 11 January 2008 at 11:45, Blogger Babaloo said...

I love this post! I think Honey would get on great with Toby. Although she's scared of bigger dogs. But loves chasing anything, maybe they could go chasing sheep together? ;-)

At 11 January 2008 at 17:55, Blogger -Ann said...

Christine - I've always wanted a dog who was smart enough to grab his own leash. :)

Crown Princess - He's about 3. He was in the kennel/dog jail for 10 days at Christmas, so maybe that's where he picked up the foul language. We certainly would never talk like that. ;)

Babaloo - The trouble with Toby chasing sheep is that he can catch them! Honey looks like a cutie - I don't think Toby would be that much bigger (he's only 30 kilos - he's sort of runty for an Alsatian.)

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